Leading Arthroscopy Surgeon in chennai, India.

Email: surgeon@drvkarthisundar.com

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Shyamala Devi. M

In August 2013, I consulted Dr. V Karthi Sundar following an injury to my left shoulder leading to inability in moving the limb. He performed an arthroscopy surgery to fix my shoulder.

I had another tragic accident within 3 months of the first surgery during which I sustained a fracture of my left wrist joint which he treated with plaster.

I still remember him telling me that he will get my arm 100% back to its functional capacity. Those kind words meant so much to me at that situation and it made me feel better.

It has been more than three years since the surgery and I got back to normal life at the earliest.

I used to ask a lot of questions. Kudos to Dr Karthi who always took time to listen and answer any question. Also applause to his excellent surgical experise.

Thank you doctor, for the excellent care you provided and for being so patient in answering all my questions every time I visited you and making me regain functionality of my arm.